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Writer's pictureValdeorras Vive

Exploring mindfulness and digital competences in Greece

The month of September provided us with the opportunity to live an unforgettable #erasmusplus experience, as we were invited to participate in an exciting training course in the small village of Eani, near Kozani, Greece. Under the title "Digital Well-Being," this project funded by the European Union brought together associations from eight European countries, promising to be a journey filled with learning and discoveries.

The central theme of the course was mindfulness and digital competencies, two areas that are crucial in today's world. But what made this experience unique was the way these topics were approached through non-formal education methods: forgetting traditional classrooms and textbooks; here, learning takes place through practical activities, workshops, and role-plays.

Our two participants, Ángela and Christian, summarize it this way:

"We participated in numerous activities, such as digital well-being learning, workshops on digital competencies, and role-playing games. Furthermore, we improved our skills, such as public speaking, self-reflection, and our own perspective on the subject. In summary, it was a very interesting training course with seven other countries, and thanks to that, we were able to learn and understand how people from foreign cultures think. It has been one of the best experiences of our lives, as it is the perfect combination to grow and learn in different ways."

From here, we can only express our gratitude to the GO Alive team (Maria, Markos, Nefeli, and many more), as well as to the rest of the associations that have been part of this journey. Until next time!


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